Ameeru Services Listing
Here we list a few of the common services we offer for building, or keeping your systems running.
Advanced Remote Services
Get your System and Network Professionally Serviced Remotely+ 1 on 1 training
+ Team training
+ Device training
+ System configuration, (Windows, Linux, MacOS, Chrome OS)
+Network Device Configuration and Management
+Firewall Configuration and Management
+ System backup and restoration
+ Data management services
+ Device configuration Walkthrough, (iOS, iPadOS, Android, Cisco, Netgear and more)**
+ Cloud Services implementation, (Azure, AWS, Google, and more)***
+ Domain and Hosting implementation, (Microsoft, Google, GoDaddy, and more)***
+ Email configuration
+ Website Development services***
+ Graphic Design and Drafting services***
+ Virtualization of Desktop or Server implementation***
+ Docker application implementation***
+ Active Directory and LDAP implementation and management
+ Group Policy implementation and management
+ VPN implementation
+ Windows Server configuration and management
+ Linux Server configuration and management
+ VMware vSphere configuration and management
Advanced On Site Services
For Currently Serviced Locations. Get local On-Site Professional Technical Services+ 1 on 1 training
+ Team training
+ Device training
+ System configuration, (Windows, Linux, MacOS, Chrome OS)
+ System backup and restoration
+ Data management services
+ Device configuration Walkthrough, (iOS, iPadOS, Android, Cisco, Netgear and more)**
+ Cloud Services implementation, (Azure, AWS, Google, and more)***
+ Domain and Hosting implementation, (Microsoft, Google, GoDaddy, and more)***
+ Email configuration
+ Website Development services***
+ Graphic Design and Drafting services***
+ Virtualization of Desktop or Server implementation***
+ Docker application implementation***
+ Active Directory and LDAP implementation and management
+ Group Policy implementation and management
+ VPN implementation
+ Windows Server configuration and management
+ Linux Server configuration and management
+ VMware vSphere configuration and management
+ Network design, implementation, and security
+ CCTV and on-site security implementation and management
All Remote Services are handled with TeamViewer ensuring end-to-end security and encryption. Visit for more information on the power, security, and capabilities of TeamViewer. Remote services to command line only nodes are handled via SSH connections only. Ameeru Services will never utilize non-encrypted protocols or services to connect to any clients network, or create any unaccounted for users to allow access to your systems when the work has been completed.
All Remote services above are possible only after the system to be configured is into an Internet online state. We can verbally walk you through the steps to achieve this. For initial setups, someone must be on-site to handle any service disruptions to keep the system in an Internet online state.
** If the device is capable of screen sharing inherently or with 3rd party software like TeamViewer.
*** Hourly Services are for small straightforward tasks. Any long-term work will require getting a quote for a price point more beneficial to you, the client, for the work involved.
Ameeru Niche Services Listing
Here we list a few of our Niche services. More added frequently. Make a request!!!

At Ameeru we are looking for Partnerships. Not just Clients
At Ameeru Services we handle traditional paid projects of course. However, for select ventures, we also offer our services for barter or a stake in your business, or project. This opportunity gives emerging business to leverage experienced technical service and strategic planning with less startup capital. Contact us to see if the opportunity qualifies.
We're Here To Help!
Current On Site Work Locations
Los Angeles County, CA
Orange County, CA
Riverside County, CA
San Bernardino County, CA
All work has a customized time range.
Call Us
(951) 808-5308 - Google Powered Answering Service